21st January 2023
Success in the latest round of Levelling Up Funding will see the ambitious plans for the Leconfield Industrial Estate in Cleator Moor come to fruition as part of an initiative which will create more than 700 jobs.
The £20m of investment from government was awarded to the council for the iSH (Industrial Solutions Hub) Enterprise Campus, phase two of the redevelopment.
Elected Mayor of Copeland Mike Starkie said: “This is fantastic news for Cleator Moor and wider west Cumbria. The level of investment from the government shows just how strong our vision for the Leconfield Industrial Estate is.
“The Enterprise Campus will create a diverse and sustainable local economy, the benefits of the investment felt far beyond the boundary of Cleator Moor.
“Yesterday, phase one of the redevelopment, which will see the creation of the hub building, refurbishment of existing units and improvements to infrastructure were given outline planning permission.
“This £20m investment will enable the council to implement phase two and complete the Campus, with extension to the east and redevelopment of the rest of site.
“Following on from the announcement of £22.5m awarded to Cleator Moor from the Town Deal pot last year, with additional match funding of £18.4m, the investment into the town totals more than £60m. A phenomenal amount of investment.”
Part of the funding will also create an attractive active travel route providing improved connectivity between the Campus and the town centre through landscaped footpaths and cycleways.
The Industrial Solutions Hub will be at the centre of the Enterprise Campus
The iSH programme will create more than 700 jobs and deliver sustainable community regeneration and economic and social resilience, as well as environmental improvements, to transform people’s lives in west Cumbria.
This funding will help give small, medium, and large-sized businesses, start-ups and industry the space to grow, creating jobs and opportunities as well as attracting other organisations to the area.
Through collaboration with industry, businesses, academia, research and development organisations, and local communities, it will create long-term jobs, skills and training opportunities.
iSH Managing Director John Maddison, said: “This is brilliant news for the region. The funding will enable iSH to bring opportunity and prosperity to the area through industry, business, skills and social programmes which will make a positive difference to people’s lives and regenerate communities across west Cumbria.
“Creating jobs and giving people access to opportunities is one of the clearest ways of helping people across our communities. Everyone benefits from a healthy local and regional economy.
“To achieve that we will work with people and organisations that already exist in the region, looking to strengthen what we already have, filling gaps, attracting inward investment and exporting our excellent capability.
“Congratulations to everyone at Copeland Borough Council and all the team who worked on, and supported, the application to achieve this outcome.
“We look forward to working in collaboration to maximise the opportunities this funding brings.”