The iSH Enterprise Campus (iEC) at Cleator Moor, Cumbria will include a solutions hub where businesses in the region will be able to collaborate and work with other specialist companies from around the UK and the rest of the world.
The hub building will provide a focal point for innovation and diversification and will bring businesses, organisations and the community together to collaborate in a physical space with relevant equipment and facilities. The hub will increase capability, and help to create jobs and opportunities for people living in the area, benefiting our communities and the environment.
This hub will become an important, and complimentary addition to the locations and facilities that already exist in the region.

iSH has already been busy engaging with industry and businesses to listen to what they need, whether that’s access to facilities, equipment, skills or funding, to help them grow and create training and employment opportunities which will also regenerate communities.
Prospective tenants interested in finding out more about opportunities to be part of the iSH Enterprise Campus (iEC) are invited to contact
iSH is supported in its activity by funding from Cleator Moor Town Deal Board which, working with Copeland Borough Council, secured a provisional offer of £22.5 million from the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund initiative in 2022.
Significant match funding sums have also been pledged by the NDA, Sellafield, and the Copeland Community Fund.
Further contributions have been made by Cumberland Council, the former Copeland Borough Council and Cleator Moor Town Council.
The four projects included in the Town Deal are:
- Enterprising Town – the redevelopment of the existing Leconfield Industrial Estate to provide employment and training opportunities for residents in Cleator Moor as well as helping to diversify the local economy. The proposal will create new buildings on site including the iSH Enterprise Campus Hub, the refurbishment of existing units and extensive landscaping. The development of the site forms part of the wider regeneration programme being delivered across West Cumbria by iSH.
- Revitalised Town – to increase activity and footfall around the Town Square by bringing vacant and under-utilised buildings back into active use while creating an attractive new public realm. Uses will include a new cultural community hub and enhanced business space.
- Healthy Town – To enhance existing sports and leisure provision to create a modern multi-purpose centre including an indoor sports hall, flexible studio space, gym and café, alongside wider health and well-being provision. This will improve population health and generate more reasons for people to visit and spend time in Cleator Moor.
- Connected Town – this scheme will deliver a high-quality integrated and sustainable transport network which improves connections between employment, education, amenities and leisure and transforms the accessibility and attractiveness of Cleator Moor.
For more information on the Cleator Moor Town Deal, visit