Sign up for free Cyber Security event

15th March 2023

Cyber Security awareness is essential for SMEs in 2023.

Substandard cyber security could negatively affect a company’s ability to function, its reputation, and legal obligations to keep business, client and supplier data safe.

UK businesses face an ever-increasing cyber threat, with four in ten businesses (39%) having had a cyber security breach or attack in the last 12 months,.

31% of businesses and 26% of charities estimate they were attacked at least once a week.

Join Gary Martin of David Allen IT Solutions and Tony Wilson of Indelible Data in this focused session to find out some simple steps you can take to help protect your business, learn how to minimise the risk of cyber-attacks, keep your business operating and keep data safe.

Discover more about Cyber Essentials certification, the advantages of pen testing and how they can improve your business. 

By attending this event you can aim to increase your understanding of cyber security, ask questions and take steps to protect your all-important data, with the opportunity for one-to-one security advice and guidance.


This is a FREE event and lunch will also be provided.

Register here:-